You are about to begin on an fulfilling journey into the progressive world of virtual assistants and freelancers.
Whatever is on your mind, whatever questions you can’t find the answer to, whatever you need to share and explore … this is where it all happens. Right here at Life with Mommy Loi.

How Can We Help You Start and Grow as a Virtual Assistant
We provide Virtual Assistants and aspiring work-from-home Freelancers just like you with a variety of training tools in various formats and easy to use platforms, to help guide and support you in whatever area you need help within your Virtual Assistance career and business.
You'll find we provide a comprehensive and dynamic selection of ways to train and mentor Virtual Assistants and Work-from-Home Freelancers that will suit anyone's budget no matter what stage of career or business they are at.
From newbie to our experienced Virtual Assistants, we have extensive training and resources for everyone like self-paced and easy to follow video tutorials in Tagalog and English, downloadable eBooks and resources, workshops, seminars, access to VA Job Boards, job and client matching services, private VA support group forum, exclusive member sites, accountability, mentorship to all-in-one learning systems for everyone.
Here are some of our most popular VA programs you'll want to start with...
We believe you have what it takes, you just need a little direction.
Take a course or get coaching from us
Would you like to accelerate in your career by studying & working with experts?
It makes sense to learn from others who are already successful in the business.
They’ve been there and they are rooting for you.
They've made mistakes and then learned from them, tweaking their approach as they grow.
If you're starting out, looking to grow your business, or if you are just not in the mood to work on a specific task at the moment, we have solutions for all your training, upskilling and VA business needs.